Excitation Control Panel (EXCP)
Description: Excitation control panel is a closed loop system which matches the generator demand with the capability of the Diesel Engine….

LED Marker
Description: LED Marker is a safety indicator device used in WDM & WDG locos. This system enables Red…

Intelligent Low Idling Equipment for E-Type diesel Electric Locomotives
Description: Intelligent Low Idle equipment is Micro Controller based system. It is used in WDM & WDG Loco’s to save the diesel consumption…

Transition Regulator Panel (TRP)
Description: Transition regulation panel is a closed loop feedback system. It is used to change the connectivity of traction motors in series and…

Voltage Regulator Panel (VRP)
Description: Voltage Regulator Panel is used in WDM & WDG Loco’s to charge the Loco batteries. It is a voltage & current limiting panel for…

Auto emergency Breaking System (AEB)
Description: Auto Emergency Breaking system is used in WDM & WDG loco’s to apply automatic breaking when the train exceeds the preset speed…

Engine Governor & Excitation Control System for DEMU/DETC Coaches
Description: Engine Governor and Excitation Control System works on closed loop feedback mechanism for Diesel Electrical Multiple Units (DEMU’s) of…

LED Flasher
Description: LED flasher is a safety indicator device used in WDM & WDG loco’s to enable the light flashes to attract the attention of opposite…
Auto Creep Control System
Description: It is a closed loop system and is used in WDM & WDG Loco’s to facilitate the train to run at a set speed at various load condition…
Transition Test kit
Description: Transition test kit is used in Loco sheds to configure different settings of Transition Regulator Panel for WDM & WDG locos. It…
Tachometer Frequency Indicator
Description: It is used in WDM & WDG loco’s to measure the RPM of tacho generator and alternator frequecny. …
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- info@sirveen.com
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